
Hi, Welcome to Slice of Gourmet!

A free food blog full of wonderful healthy recipes.

Story behind this food blog

Food is my passion! I love to wow my guests with a breathtaking table and delectable eats and now I’m going to share my love and appreciation for all things gourmet with you.

People ask me why I’ve chosen to share my recipes and my knowledge when I could sell them or keep them to myself. Well, the reason is it is truly heart wrenching and terrifying to see so much hate, intolerance and ignorance in the world today. I know I am not able to cure all that is wrong but I can spread love, raise people up and bring people together. After much thought, I decided to spread love in the best way that I know how. Through our universal love for good food. I will share weekly international recipes with a little background on the culture of the cuisines. My goal is by trying different cuisines and learning about their cultures we can make our world a little more close-knit and learn how to love and embrace each other. The recipes are all free! It’s my way to promote healthy living, diversify our palette and spread some positivity. Please join me in making our world just a little smaller and one where we embrace one another by celebrating both our similarities and differences. Please share my site with your friends and family — let them join in the fun!

Cooking is about passion, so it may look slightly temperamental in a way that it’s too assertive to the naked eye.

Gordon Ramsay

Thank you for reading

Do you have questions about recipes? Feel free to write to me for all inquires!

Slice of Gourmet © Copyright 2021