Start with the cooked brown rice.
Heat a tsp of EVOO and a tsp of butter.
Add 3-4 cloves of crushed garlic and salt sauté together place in serving bowl.
Then you heat another tsp of oil and throw in crushed garlic, sliced onions, sliced colored sweet peppers, tiny cubes zucchini season with salt, add lime juice and taco seasoning and layer on rice.
Then add black beans ( I make this in the insta pot) just pressure cook with salt.
Drain well & layer on top of veggies.
Then heat another tsp of oil and butter add garlic and salt and taco seasoning.
Purée 2 small tomatoes and add to the garlic mix and cook till it darkens ( only do this if using shrimp).
Can use either shrimp or thinly sliced chicken breast and sautéed till cooked add on top of beans.
Chop tomatoes, cilantro, jalapeño, salt and some corn( I roast a few cloves of garlic) chop that and chop avocado.
Mix well and add on top of the shrimp or chicken.
Sprinkle some cheese and a dollop of sour cream and you are all done.